This post appeared initially at Light Travelers and it’s the first of a series of posts called guilty pleasures, dedicated to all the small or not so small things I tend to shoot.over and over again. Within my broader interests in travel and photography lie several others, smaller and more specific. Subjects that draw my attention while traveling, little things like enjoying markets (more on that someday) or having the local beers instead of getting the imported ones always have to please the tourists. One of those subjects are roads, to me roads are alluring, hypnotic, you never know where they’ll take you even when you actually know it, like Iceland’s Ring Road that eventually will bring you back to where you’re standing. Probably that’s why I love road trips and that’s why to incorporate roads in my photos so often, using its curvy lines to guide the eyes to throughout the photo or adding human scale to my compositions.
Browse more Long Winding Roads photos in the Photo Archive
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