The main purpose of my film emulation presets is to be used in my own processing. This may sound redundant and pointless but essentially is a personal project, and that means I end up using some styles more than others, either because I really dig a film’s look and use it often (Kodachrome!…) or at a given moment I’m exploring a specific look for a given essay. That was the case for some Fuji emulations, Provia is my default style, the one I select when I don’t want anything (also because it’s the default on my cameras), but it’s not necessarily the same for others, like Astia or the Pro, although lovely, I didn’t find a way to fit them in my work. The same goes for Kodak’s Ektar and Ektachrome, so when I did used them a bit more frequently I noticed there was some work to do, some extra tweaks were needed to get them where I wanted
The Portra emulations are a bit different, I do use them often, but the more I used them the less I was pleased with them, maybe I did too many changes, and at a point I had to stop and spend some time on them. Eventually (and hopefully) I got to a much better version of the Portra emulations, that I hope you also like.
And this pretty much covers the main changes in the 0.4.0 version of t3mujinpack, scroll down for some samples and the instructions on how to get them.
- Updated all Fuji Pro and Astia 100F films.
- Updated all Kodak Porta films.
- Updated all Ektachrome and Ektachrome.
- Smaller tweaks on Kodak Kodakchrome films.

Head over to the main page of t3mujinpack for more details and samples or register to download it.
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