Despite Instagram, Facebook or 500px, despite the apparent abandon from Yahoo for several years the truth is Flickr never died and still is a force to be reckon with. It has been my public community of choice for several years and even when I created my own site I kept updating my account. Nowadays you can see 2000 of my photos, from my earliest ones to the ones I shot last week.
In recent years, specially after Marissa Mayer took over at Yahoo, Flickr seems to have been brought from the dead: photostream redesign, a focus on mobile with great iOS and Android (neglected for so long), new pricing schemes and many other updates. Recently another feature was rolled out, the redesign of the Photopage dubbed “New Photo Experience”, that has been received with mixed feelings throughout the internet, myself included.
What I Like
Photos are big, and it’s all about the photos, period!
People are complaining with the new position of the comments, but I like it a lot, it’s handy but doesn’t drive the attention away from the photo.
Compact and simple way to show the most important metadata fields (camera, aperture, etc.).
New “tabbed” view of groups and metadata, it’s handy and it doesn’t clutter the screen.
What I Don’t Like
Twitter-ish or Instagram-ish hastags don’t work here, Flickr isn’t as immediate and instant as these social networks and having the ability to add hashtags inline in the description isn’t that useful.
Missing maps or geolocation information.
No way to see photos in different sizes.
I like the simple metadata information but there’s no way to see the detailed info.
Smaller bugs here and there.
Remember this a work in progress, I like it but with some reservations. If you have found a bug of want to share something use the little blue button on the lower left corner. And if you do please be concise and helpful, because many of the entries on the feedback page are pointless.
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